How are aluminium doors and windows eco-friendly?

How are aluminium doors and windows eco-friendly?

Aluminium’s high durability and 100% recyclability without loss of quality have established its reputation as the green metal. Its remarkable strength, anti-corrosion and low maintenance characteristics make it an ultimate construction material for an industry that is constantly searching for lighter, stronger, more durable and greener alternatives. Using aluminium requires less of the planet’s resources, provides high energy efficiency and limits productions carbon footprint of features constructed for new home.

Recycling facts

  • Recycling 1 tonne of aluminium saves 9 tonnes of CO2 emissions and 4 tonnes of bauxite – the raw material from which aluminium is made. Just for illustration, 1 tonne of CO2 is equivalent to driving 2,800 miles.
  • Recycling aluminium uses 95% less energy than producing aluminium from raw materials.
  • It also saves 97% of green house gas emissions produced in the primary production process.
  • Recycling half a kilo of aluminium saves around seven kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, and the process of recycling is also quick.

Aluminium is the real eco option in construction because it requires less of the planet’s resources. The metal is permanently available resource. It is 100 per cent recyclable, for ever, so carbon savings increase every time it passes through the recycling loop.